Dilys has faced anxiety for most of her life and, after the devastating loss of her husband five years ago, her mental health deteriorated further. Overwhelmed by grief, Dilys found herself in a deep depression, struggling to find the will to keep going. As well as living with mental health conditions, Dilys also experiences symptoms relating to her physical health due to arthritis, making everyday tasks increasingly challenging.

A ray of hope emerged when her GP signposted her to a local gardening club. Having always enjoyed gardening, Dilys thought, “Yeah, that sounds good. I’m up for that.” Little did she know that this simple suggestion would be the lifeline she so desperately needed.


The gardening club has had a profound impact on Dilys’ life, providing her with a sense of purpose and a community that she considers family. Meeting new people and having a weekly event to look forward to has made her time at home feel less lonely and more fulfilling, and gardening has been a rewarding activity to incorporate into her daily life.

Dilys’s closest companion is her dog, with whom she shares a deep bond. Despite the pain that her arthritis sometimes causes, her love for her dog drives her to continue walking, even if it means taking things at a slower pace. What used to take her an hour now takes two, but Dilys doesn’t let that stop her from enjoying their time together. Although navigating hills can be painful due to her arthritis, she remains determined to keep moving. On good days, Dilys and her dog will stroll for longer, while on other days, their walks may be shorter. She does the amount that feels right for her each day. Dilys states “I’m in less pain when I’m moving than when I’m sitting on the sofa.”

In addition to the physical benefits, Dilys acknowledges that moving more is essential for her mental wellbeing as well. Engaging in physical activities keeps her mind focused on positive things, helping her maintain a brighter outlook and preventing dark thoughts from taking over. For Dilys, being active is a key element of her overall wellbeing, proving that the power of movement extends far beyond its physical benefits.



Learn how you can be more active

If you have a long-term health condition and want to learn how you can be more active, contact the Wellbeing Service at 01254 682037, visit www.refreshbwd.com or email wellbeing@blackburn.gov.uk