Infant and child safety in Blackburn with Darwen is a key priority of the borough. We work closely with a range of local and national partners to support the safety of your child.

Ensuring Infant and Child Safety In Blackburn with Darwen

From ensuring the home is safe for your family, to ensuring new parents know how to put their newborn to sleep safely, there is a range of services and resources designed to help you keep children safe in Blackburn with Darwen.

infant and child safety in Blackburn with Darwen

Home Safety:

Apply for a free home assessment to ensure your home is a healthy and safe place for you and your family to live and grow:

Healthy Homes | Care Network (Blackburn with Darwen) Ltd

Road Safety:

Blackburn with Darwen is part of Lancashire Road Safety Partnership and is working hard to keep roads safe for all of our children and young people. We encourage walking to school and currently offer a school road safety programme to ensure that each child receives road safety education throughout their school life.

Baby Safety:

Safer Sleep:

For Safer Sleep advice and bereavement support please follow the link to The Lullaby Trust.
Parents and carers can access online presentations and videos on how to reduce the risk of SIDS when caring for a baby:Safer Sleep for babies presentations – The Lullaby Trust

Infant Crying:

Infant crying is normal and it will stop. Babies start to cry more frequently from around 2 weeks of age and peaks at around 2 months. Click the LINK to read more about infant crying.ICON – Babies cry you can cope – Advice and Support | ICON (

Start Well with Be Well BwD

Be Well BwD is Darwen Borough Council’s Public Health website. On our website, you can find information on the wide range of health and wellbeing resources, services and support available in the borough. This includes Start Well services, which are designed to help you give your children the best start in life.