Support Helplines

- Samaritans provide a safe place for anyone struggling to cope, whoever they are, however they feel, whatever life has done to them.
- Telephone: 116 123
- Availability: 24 hours a day, every day of the year
For more support helplines see Age Well – Need to talk to someone now?

Papyrus offers support for those dealing with suicide, depression or emotional distress – particularly teenagers and young adults.
- Telephone: 0800 068 41 41
- Text: 07786 209697
- Available: Monday to Friday, 10am til 10pm. Saturday and Sunday, 2pm til 10pm. Bank holidays, 2pm til 5pm
For more support helplines see Need to talk to someone now?
Support Organisations
Support following suicide.
If you require further help and advice, there are mental health support resources available across Lancashire and South Cumbria.
Zero Suicide Alliance
is a coalition of like-minded partners are working together to help rid the UK of suicide by initially raising awareness of a free online suicide prevention training programme.
Suicide Prevention Training
The Public Health team commission a number of Suicide Prevention Courses:
- Re-Align Futures CIC deliver fully funded training on a range of mental health topics – from awareness raising sessions through to accredited training courses on mental health and suicide intervention. (MHFA &ASIST) They also can provide refreshers sessions for anyone wanting to refresh their skills and knowledge.
They can develop and deliver bespoke workshops and courses to suit your needs. For more information please contact Tony or search their website
- You can also assess Suicide Prevention and Understanding Self Harm training courses via the Lancashire and South Cumbria Suicide Prevention Training Consortium. (Healthier Lancs and South Cumbria :: Lancashire and South Cumbria Suicide Prevention Training Consortium (
- The Public Health Team at Blackburn Council are supporters of the Orange Button Community Scheme.
People who are having thoughts of suicide, or who are worried about a friend or family member, can now push the button when they see someone wearing a distinctive orange badge, and ask them for information and support.
The orange button is worn by people in Lancashire and South Cumbria who have undergone extensive suicide prevention training, and while they are not able to counsel people, they can provide comprehensive signposting to relevant services.
For more information see: Healthier Lancs and South Cumbria :: Orange Button Community Scheme (