Dilwara was diagnosed with a rare Endocrine condition three years ago, despite having lived with a range of symptoms for most of her life including fatigue, severe headaches, hormonal changes, repeated kidney stones and a poorly functioning gland.
Conscious of her health condition and being perimenopausal, Dilwara knows that it is important for her to be as healthy as she can. Despite being a wife, a Mum to three children, being actively involved in Madrassah, and holding a demanding career, she successfully weaves being active into her busy lifestyle.
It wasn’t until Dilwara attended a charity event, where she pledged to fundraise £5,000, that she started walking. She came away from the event pondering on how she was going to raise the money, “I knew I wasn’t able to run a marathon or climb a mountain like others, but I can walk.”
Dilwara developed her passion for walking by doing so along the canal, a place she believes is perfect for anyone starting their physical activity journey as there are many places you can get on and off, the towpaths are flat and clean, and you can’t get lost. Dilwara loves walking along the canal as she enjoys being by the water and seeing nature change with the seasons. “I’ve discovered so many beautiful places in the borough beyond – Darwen Tower, Sunnyhurst Wood, Rivington, Pendle Hill – which I wasn’t aware of until I started walking”.
Walking has helped Dilwara in many ways. From a physical health perspective, Dilwara says she feels much healthier – she still has aches and pains, but these are controlled with medication, and she always sleeps better after a good walk and being in the fresh air. Walking supports her mental health and wellbeing as it helps escape from the hustle and bustle of life, and it’s her ‘me’ time, a time to relax and unwind.
Dilwara’s good friend accompanies her on these journeys and helps keep her motivated when she’s tired or in pain. Through walking, Dilwara not only manages her condition, but has discovered a new love for nature.

Learn how you can be more active
If you have a long-term health condition and want to learn how you can be more active, contact the Wellbeing Service at 01254 682037, visit www.refreshbwd.com or email wellbeing@blackburn.gov.uk