Michelle has a rare auto-immune disorder where the immune system attacks the body’s nerves, it’s called Guillain-Barré Syndrome.
Four years ago, Michelle was completely paralysed and had to learn how to walk again. However, she was determined to recover and after months of hospitalisation and weeks of physiotherapy and rehabilitation, she was able to go home to be with her three-year-old daughter.
Prior to being diagnosed, Michelle wasn’t particularly active. One year after being discharged, her ex-partner suggested she join a local gym called Project 180. Michelle initially found the idea of going to a gym terrifying, but Project 180 proved to be a welcoming and supportive community where everyone can relate to one another. Michelle says, “I had no friends before I came here, come here and I’m lifted, it’s my safe place”.
Michelle, now mum of two young children, attends the gym for CrossFit sessions and claims going to the gym has helped improve her self-esteem, improve her fitness and lose over two and a half stone in weight. Her newfound strength and confidence has even led her to start running.
Being active is a form of self-care for both Michelle’s mental and physical health, and her journey at Project 180 has come full circle as she now volunteers to support others on their own fitness journeys.

Learn how you can be more active
If you have a long-term health condition and want to learn how you can be more active, contact the Wellbeing Service at 01254 682037, visit www.refreshbwd.com or email wellbeing@blackburn.gov.uk