If you are struggling with your bills, benefits or low pay and are in debt with loans, credit cards or behind on your bills, then please ask for help.

Shelter offer debt advice for residents of Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council.
For advice or guidance call free on 0344 5151882 between the hours of 9:00am – 5:00pm, Monday to Friday.
If you need help with a legal matter within the next seven days – including a court hearing – or need an appointment with our Legal team, also call 0344 5151882 between the hours of 9:00am – 5:00pm, Monday to Friday.

Blackburn and Darwen’s Carer’s Service
Blackburn and Darwen’s Carer’s Service also offer lots of help to carers across the Borough. Click on the image to access their support pages where you can register as a carer for help

Lancashire women
Lancashire women also help women with financial worries

Christians Against Poverty
Lancashire women Christians Against Poverty (CAP) has been providing free debt help in the UK since 1996. They help thousands of people get out of debt every year, equipping them with the tools and confidence to face any storms that may come their way in the future.

The Blackburn Foodbank
The Blackburn Foodbank also works with The Oaks Money Advice Centre.
They offer a free, confidential, face to face budgeting, debt and benefit advice service based within Blackburn Foodbank, open to anyone under financial strain. They are understanding of how debt and money management can build up and become seemingly unmanageable, and so they provide tools and advice to alleviate this and allow for a path forward.

Lancashire West Citizen’s Advice Bureau
Lancashire West Citizen’s Advice Bureau also offer a debt advice service. Their new Blackburn office is not yet open but you can telephone them on 0808 278 7880.
They can advise on a wide range of debt solutions such as Debt Relief Orders, Debt Management Plans and Bankruptcy. Please click on the link below to access their page

Age UK
Age UK has an office in Blackburn and in Darwen. They offer a free and confidential advice and information service for older people, their families and carers.
“Don’t wait until a problem gets out of hand, get in touch so we can help”
Click on the link below or ring 01254 266620