Blackburn Healthy Living Pilot
Poor oral health can be detrimental to the overall health of a child. Children should be taught good oral health from a young age. In an attempt to improve children’s oral health in Blackburn with Darwen, the public health team commissioned Blackburn Healthy Living to pilot an oral health project in one Mosque at a Madrassah. The following video is designed for parents in Blackburn with Darwen and has been shared on their WhatsApp groups.
The Importance Of Promoting Children’s Oral Health
Healthy teeth and gums are important for the general health and wellbeing of our children. Bad oral health can affect our children’s sleep, ability to chew and therefore eat. If a child isn’t eating or sleeping property due to bad oral health, it can impact their ability to grow, to speak, to play and socialise with other children.
Children’s Oral Health: Tooth Decay
Sugar is the main cause of tooth decay in children. Change 4 Life offers useful tips on sugar swaps, so you can swap food and snacks for healthier alternatives. Click on the image below for more fabulous helpful information and sign up for alerts
Improving Children’s Oral Health With Brushing
You should brush your child’s teeth at least twice a day for 2 minutes each time with adult toothpaste (contains 1450 parts per million fluoride) – a smear for toddlers and a pea sized once they start nursery – please watch this video to find out more about correctly brushing children’s teeth:
Registering With A Dentist

You should take your baby to the dentist when their teeth first come through or have a dental check by one at the latest. Speak to your health visitor if you need help registering with a dentist but all dental treatment is free for every child under 18 years. If you are struggling to find a new NHS service, please contact Dental Choices who list NHS dentists taking on new patients nearest to your postcode.
Free Toothbrush, Toothpaste and Sippy Cup
Your health visitor will see you and your baby again when they are between 8 and 12 months old. At this visit you will be given a free toothbrush, a tube of adult toothpaste as kids need at least 1,000 parts per million fluoride (children’s toothpaste is a gimmick) and a free flow sippy cup now they don’t need a bottle. Do please let us know what you think of this service by contacting us.
Further Resources For Healthy Children
For more help, advice and support on raising healthy babies and children, head to Start Well and check out Be Well BwD resources.