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NEW Age Well Campaign
launches in BwD

The campaign will highlight the different services in the borough that support people to ‘Age Well’ with happiness, self-contentment, enjoyable social relationships, and independence.
The Blackburn with Darwen Council and Age UK campaign aims to put older residents in touch with people and services that can support them to face the challenges that come with ageing.
Over the coming months, the campaign will be highlighting different Organisations and Services in Blackburn and Darwen, who are there just to support our Older Adults to Age Well.
These services may provide support on bereavement, a health condition, caring responsibilities or just provide information on local groups where Older Adults can meet other people.
Remember the old saying – a problem shared is a problem halved?
Whether you need an ear to talk to, a course to help you learn a new skill or a group to keep you physically active, we can point you in the right direction.
Not sure what you need? The campaign can help with that too. It will be sharing stories of local people, their challenges and what it was that helped them to find joy and happiness again.

Download the Ageing Well Leaflet below: