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Click HereDepression Support In Blackburn
Most people go through periods of feeling down, but depression is when a low mood lasts for longer than you would usually expect it to. It can be a one-off episode or something that keeps returning and affecting your everyday life. It is very common, 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year. As we approach Christmas time, it’s important to acknowledge that Christmas in fact isn’t the most wonderful time of the year for so many people. If you are looking for depression support in Blackburn and surrounding areas, this blog is for you. Here, we aim to let you know that you are not alone, there are support services out there that can help you.

How To Know If You Or Someone You Know Needs Depression Support
Depression can come in all manner of disguises, it affects us all differently – so there is no one particular sign or symptom to look out for. However, if you or someone you know has been feeling unhappy or low for a prolonged period of time or has been feeling anxious and has lost interest in things they used to enjoy, then this may be a sign of depression. Some people also experience physical symptoms, such as pain, feeling tired all the time, not wanting to eat or sleeping badly.
Depression also comes in all shapes and sizes and can range from mild, where you might feel low, to severe depression which can make you feel suicidal.
Depression isn’t caused by one single thing, it is usually caused by an accumulation of things that have caused us to feel particularly stressed, anxious or low. These can be things like a relationship breakdown, bereavement, loneliness, and/ or unemployment. Life can be challenging, and some people will struggle with depression when going through such challenges.
However sometimes there is no obvious reason at all, it could be down to things we have no-control over such as family history or personality factors.

Depression Support This Christmas
Christmas can be a testing time mentally, emotionally, physically and financially for many people. It’s okay if you’re not feeling full of joy during the festive season. For Top Tips on how to look after your mental health this Christmas click here….
If you need someone to listen – please contact:
- Samaritans. To talk about anything that is upsetting you, you can contact the Samaritans, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Call 116 123 (free from any phone), or email
- SANEline. If you’re experiencing a mental health problem or supporting someone else, you can call SANEline on 0300 304 7000 (4pm–10pm every day of the year).
- The Mix. If you’re under 25, you can call The Mix on 0808 808 4994 or see their Surviving Christmas Guide
- Papyrus HOPELINEUK. If you’re under 35 and struggling with suicidal feelings, or concerned about a young person who might be struggling, you can call Papyrus HOPELINEUK on 0800 068 4141 or email or text 07860 039 967.
- Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM). If you identify as male, you can call the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) on 0800 58 58 58 (5pm–midnight every day) or use their webchat service.
- Bereavement Support Grief can be overwhelming, particularly at Christmas. Call the Cruse helpline on 0808 808 1677. Check the Christmas opening hours here.
Depression Support In Blackburn
If you are looking for depression support in Blackburn, thankfully, there are local services that can support you or someone you are concerned about.
Just as causes of depression can vary from person to person, so can the way people choose to help themselves. Some people may choose to become more active to help them feel better, others may need to make some changes in their life. Or they may decide to take medication. Sometimes it might be all of these.

Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust (LSCFT)
LSCFT offer mental health support and treatment to residents in Blackburn with Darwen.
- NHS Talking Therapies: Offers a range of free psychological therapies to people aged 16 and over in Blackburn and other areas of Lancashire. This support service gives people the tools to overcome stress, anxiety and depression. There is an option to self-refer into this service.
- NHS MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS LINE: If you need urgent help as you are in mental health distress and you are over 16 you can call 0800 953 0110 – 24 hours, seven days a week
- NHS Wellbeing Helpline & Texting Service, staffed by volunteers and those with lived experience, that offers emotional support – ring if you want to chat about your mental health or are lonely etc. It can be contacted on 0800 915 4640 or by texting ‘Hello’ to 07860 022846. Available throughout Christmas, though check the opening times here.
If you or someone you know is struggling this winter, there is support available.
Please reach out to one of the above services and start getting the help you need.